Thursday, 4 July 2024.

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UNICROSS promotes 10 to rank of professors, 3 to readers

The University of Cross River State (UNICROSS) has promoted 10 members of the University to the rank of professor.

The University also promoted three to the rank of readers.

This was announced by Prof. Stephen N. Ochang, Chairman of the Senate, during the 117th Senate meeting held in the Calabar campus on Thursday.

Professor Rank

1. Prof. Hannah Ettah
2. ⁠Prof. Emmanuel Eyam Ogban
3. ⁠Prof. Usang Eteng Eloma
4. ⁠Prof. Engr. Richard Antigha
5. ⁠Prof. Stephen Akomaye Adah
6. ⁠Prof. Henry Ojating
7. ⁠Prof. Rev. Mrs Veronica Bassey-Duke
8. ⁠Prof. Irom Bassey Okey
9. ⁠Prof. Nkanu Ettah
10. ⁠Prof. Simon Ogbeche Odey

Reader Rank

1. Dr Emeka Ategwu
2. ⁠Dr Engr. Peter Ohioro
3. ⁠Dr Melvin Ugwu

Converseer reports that the Senate also changed the nomenclature of two faculties as well as three departments.


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Frank Ulom
Frank Ulom
Frank Ulom is an experienced Journalist, Blogger and Writer with several years of experience. His stories are based on community development and have brought positive change across board.

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