Ambush Near Burkina Faso Border Claims at Least 10 Soldiers’ Lives

Ambush Near Burkina Faso Border Claims at Least 10 Soldiers’ Lives

The Nigerien Army has confirmed the death of at least 10 soldiers following an armed ambush near the Burkina Faso border.

In a state-owned television broadcast on Wednesday, the Niger Armed Forces (FAN) reported that the soldiers were attacked in western Niger during Operation Niyya.

According to military sources, the troops had been dispatched from Bankilaré in response to a cattle theft alert near Takzat. While attempting to intercept the suspected criminals, the soldiers were caught in a deadly ambush, resulting in their deaths.

The attackers reportedly managed to escape before ground and air reinforcements could engage them. However, the military later conducted a search operation on Tuesday, which led to the neutralisation of around 15 terrorists.

Since 2017, the Tillabéri region, which includes Bankilaré and Téra, has been a hotspot for armed insurgencies.

The area, located at the intersection of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, remains a stronghold for terrorist groups operating in the “three borders” zone.