Perth, Western Australia, Australia, March 21, 2025
Bp. Prodromos of Toliara and Southern Madagascar. Photo:
The faithful of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia’s Diocese of Perth donated funds for missionary work in southern Madagascar during the bishop’s visit over the weekend.
Bishop Prodromos of Toliara and Southern Madagascar of the Patriarchate of Alexandria paid a 3-day visit to the diocese from Saturday March 15 to Monday March 17. On Saturday evening, Bp. Prodromos presided over the Hierarchical Vespers at St. Nektarios Church in Dianella, after which a fundraising Lenten supper was held, reports the Archdiocese’s Vema of the Church publication.
Following the supper, Bp. Prodromos presented a video about the missionary work taking place in southern Madagascar. At the end of the evening, the faithful offered their donations towards the diocese’s work.
On Sunday, the Madagascar bishop celebrated Matins and the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Church of Sts. Constantine and Helen in Northbridge with Bishop Elpidios of Perth. Bp. Prodromos preached about St. Gregory Palamas and the Jesus Prayer as “a bridge that unites us with God.”
The faithful again offered generous donations to missionary work in Madagascar.
On Sunday, Bp. Prodromos presided over Lenten Vespers, after which a dinner was hosted in his honor in the Archdiocese offices.
On Monday morning, he departed for Melbourne. Over the course of the weekend, the Perth faithful donated $36,000 towards missions in Madagascar.
100 children baptized in MadagascarThe Sacrament was celebrated by Bishop Prodromos of the Patriarchate of Alexandria’s Diocese of Toliara and Southern Madagascar.
“>In January, Bp. Prodromos celebrated the Baptism of 100 children in Madagascar.
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