Chicken Who Lived For 21 Years Dies On Christmas Day

Chicken Who Lived For 21 Years Dies On Christmas Day

By Paschal Abu

Peanut, the world’s oldest chicken who lived for 21 years and 238 days old has passed away.

CONVERSEER learned that Peanut died on Christmas Day 2023 at her home in Michigan, United States of America.

Chicken Who Lived For 21 Years Dies On Christmas Day

Peanut (2023)

Taking to her blog to announce her passing away, Peanut’s owner, Marsi Darwin, said: “Peanut was a close family member, and I’m grieving her loss.”

Adding, “We bonded 21 and a half years ago when I peeled her out of an egg, and although I realize she had a phenomenally long life for a chicken, I’m heartbroken nonetheless.”

Chicken Who Lived For 21 Years Dies On Christmas Day

Peanut sitting on Marsi’s shoulder (2022)

According to Guinness World Records, GWR, Peanut spent the first two years of her life inside a parrot cage in Marsi’s dining room, after being abandoned by her mother before being moved to an outside coop with the rest of Marsi’s flock.

Chicken Who Lived For 21 Years Dies On Christmas Day

Peanut as a chick (2002)

Peanut hatched multiple nests of eggs during her lifetime, and many of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren currently live in Marsi’s coop.

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As she entered her old age, Peanut was moved back inside the house, where she shared a cage with her daughter, Millie.

Chicken Who Lived For 21 Years Dies On Christmas Day

Millie (left) and Peanut (right) (2022)

Sadly, Millie passed away on Halloween, aged 15, and one of Peanut’s old friends, Luna, died a few days later. A week after Thanksgiving, her old rooster mate, Benny, died too.

Chicken Who Lived For 21 Years Dies On Christmas Day

Benny (left) and Peanut (right) (2022)

“I believe Peanut was grieving the loss of her friends, old age was catching up with her, and she too simply checked out,” Marsi said.

Peanut, however, is not the oldest chicken that has ever lived. The oldest chicken ever lived, according to GWR was Muffy (USA, 1989-2012), a Red Quill Muffed American Game who lived to the age of 23 years 152 days.