English Edition of the Spiritual Psalter by St. Ephraim the Syrian, Released by Damascene Press

English Edition of the Spiritual Psalter by St. Ephraim the Syrian, Released by Damascene Press

Cooperstown, New York, March 18, 2025

Photo: damascenepress.org Damascene Press is republishing the best-selling collection of St. Ephraim the Syrian’s prayers compiled by St. Theophan the Recluse. It is now available for free download as an eBook and for purchase in printed editions from damascenepress.org.

Damascene Press is operated by the Lambertsen Foundation, which was established in 2021 with the blessing of the late Metropolitan Hilarion of New York, in memory of Monk Joseph (Isaac) Lambertsen. During the course of his life, Fr. Joseph translated into English the entire Menaion (twelve volumes), the Pentecostarion, and the Octoechos, along with many other liturgical texts, akathist hymns, and lives of the saints. He also composed a number of liturgical services, especially for the New Hieromartyrs of Russia and the saints of the British Isles. Many of these works were published by the St. John of Kronstadt Press. Isaac Lambertsen reposed in January of 2017, not long after taking monastic vows with the name Joseph (in honor of St. Joseph the Hymnographer). Fr. Gregory Williams, editor- in-chief of the St. John of Kronstadt Press, had reposed a few months earlier, in September of 2016.

Having been entrusted with the entirety of Fr. Joseph’s literary work, it is our intention to ensure that these materials remain and become more accessible to the English-speaking world. In addition to the continued publication (through Damascene Press) of his and other related works, we will begin making these texts available free of charge in electronic format for use by other publishers, parish choirs, etc.

Through the generosity of its benefactors, the Foundation is continuing the translation work started by Fr. Joseph and the publication work of the St. John of Kronstadt Press. In addition to the translation, editing, and publication of liturgical and other ecclesiastical texts, the Foundation is resolved to encourage others in the salvific work of translating and authoring liturgical and hagiographical texts in English. To this end, the Foundation offers the Stallman-Pacitti and Lambertsen Translation Awards.

Those wishing to support the Foundation’s labors are invited to purchase the genuine leather-bound benefactor’s edition of A Spiritual Psalter or Reflections on God and/or make a tax-deductible donation.

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