Photo: Office of Speaker Mike Johnson.
“Someday I want to be rich. Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity. That’s how rich I want to be.”
– Rita Rudner
I’m a lover, not a fighter, yet here I am down in life’s trenches, wielding my pen and two phones as my gun and ammo, my comrades literally holding me up in the ring, my heart on my sleeve as my main defense.
There are more and more of us lovers being forced to fight for what we love or just need in these strange days when so much is being taken, DOGE’d, coup’ed, redlined, deactivated, terminated, exterminated, bombed, bulldozed, whipped up and made over into Don and Bibi’s gaudy graven imageof a Gaza Riviera – now offering hot deals on beachfront property (with offshore gas shares) – or some monstrous variation on Manifest Destiny, MAGA-style.
While Drumpf’s Demolition Derby does a Reverse-Robin Hood, stealing from the poor for the enrichment of their rich donors, friends and family, there are very personal, life-threatening dimensions to the fight, at least for some of us. I am currently fighting every day to save the life of my beloved husband Max, who suffered a major but not lethal stroke, and must now wrestle with its many debilitating effects under constant threat of being triaged into a living death by the American Medical Insurance Mega-Machine.
I’m also fighting to save our pro-bonobo, pleasure-positive, kink-aware, creative, female-empowering,male-nurturing, artistic, sex-therapeutic, sharing, caring, intentional community of Bonoboville – home of the Block Institute, DrSuzy-Tv, F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich!) Radio and Block Bonobo Foundation– from being shaken down while Max is feeling down. Indeed, a couple of Natural Born Extortionists, emboldened by the shake-down gangsters in the White House, have triggered a Kangaroo Court of officious city officials into trying to have their neo-Puritanical, unconstitutional way with our First Amendment rights while one of us (Max) can barely speak to defend them. Speaking of speech therapy, if you can speak or at least somewhat understand post-stroke “aphasia,” please email
And speaking of speech – free or priceless – I’m also fighting – as my fantasy superheroine persona, “Free Speech Woman” – to *save* social media, and maybe Social Security, not to mention humanity… from the Billionaire Mind Virus.
What is the Billionaire Mind Virus?
We can see it. We can feel it. We all suffer from it. But we can’t seem to stop its spread. We can’t mask-up against it. Most of our talk about it fans its toxic oligarchical flames, as it sucks all the air out of the room – and the planet. We know it’s killing us, even as some of us can’t help but join in, showering the parasitic super-rich with attention, applause, power, envy-tinged vicarious delight, and even more cash in a voyeuristic sadistic orgy of tacky tomfoolery, quasi–Nazi racism, shameless misogyny, religiosity, hypocrisy, ecocide and greed.
Only transmitted human-to-human (no nonhuman animals contract it – although many suffer for it), the seed of the Billionaire Mind Virus was planted long ago behind the first “PRIVATE PROPERTY” sign on a fence, and then grew into Human Civilization, the Age of Kings, conquest, capitalism, colonialism and the American Dream, based upon the popular yet easily disproved fantasy of The Rugged Individual who can do anything, that merit and hard work are what it takes to get rich. Given a boost from the Supreme Court’s Citizens United in 2010 and our celebrity-worshiping culture, it expanded swiftly on the Fiefdoms of the Internet, fostering the belief that these insufferable, over-privileged Tech Lords have somehow *earned* the obscene amounts of money they (or their parents) stole from the rest of us.
Now, the “Billionaire Mind Virus” is growing by leaps and bounds, as the world’s richest man, Commandant Elon Sieg-Heil Musk (net worth: $405 billion), leaps for Daddy Trump, and the second richest (as of this writing), Meta Lord Mark the Cuck’ed Zuckerberg (net worth: $248 billion), boundsalong like a mangy mutt, barking for scraps of his elusive masculinity among the wads of cash these creeps are raking in.
You’ve probably heard Musky get misty over the “Woke Mind Virus.” It’s true, he’d much rather we all sleep through his soft cyber coup – like one of Bill Cosby’s “Sleeping Beauties” – than be awake or “woke” to the systemic oppression of rich-over-poor which he and his gang of teenage cyber-thugs are now tweaking to make worse than possibly ever in the name of “freedom.”
Of course, we all have slightly different ideas or fantasies of freedom. Musk longs to be free to be racist, sexist, anti-trans, procreation–fetishizing, exhibitionistic and abusive, while Zuck yearns to be “masculine” and free to express “positive aggression,” aka abuse. This Tweedledee and Dum of social media might seem like rivals or even opposites, but they are two sides of the same loser – a rather unmasculine, abusive, power-grabbing meme coin – grabbing the People’s power, shaking us down for cash, exploiting and silencing our voices in tandem, rummaging and rampaging through our public and private spaces, trying in vain to compensate for their deep-seated sexual insecurities that will one day, not so far away, destroy us all.
How did the Billionaire Mind Virus (BMV) go viral? It’s not just the MAGA shills, Coup Anon marks,ammosexual incels and Doge “Droogs” named Big Balls with their trigger fingers on Social Security. Esteemed celebrities are getting in on the grift, and respected journalists are praising these “top” exploiters as “genius” instead of holding them accountable… for anything.
Then there’s the Democrats, also firmly in the grip of the BMV; they have their own “good billionaire” donors too, after all – whom they wouldn’t want to offend! So they roleplay helpless outrage, boundand gagged, until the next election… if there is a next election. With this zany, nasty, plutocratic,Trumpocalyptic oligarchy now jingling the keys to the candy store, who knows?
The Billionaire Mind Virus not only grants spoiled, rapey, narcissistic personality-disordered rich boys like Zuck and Musk all the candy, yachts, bunkers, islands and rockets they want, but also the unconstitutional *right* to run our lives and ruin the planet.
Fighting Zuck the Cuck, The Bonobo Way: Round II
Is there a Billionaire Mind Virus vaccine?
Yes! The hitch is that for any vaccine to work, you have to take it, and one of the most unscientific, popular delusions the BMV fosters is that vaccines are worse than the disease.
However, if you’re up for it: the vaccine for the Billionaire Mind Virus is bonobo love.
Go Bonobos in 2025. Make like bonobos, not baboons! Make peace through pleasure, female empowerment, male well-being, sharing, caring, harmony, community and inclusion.
Among bonobos, there are alpha females and males with more power than the others in the tribe (ladies tending to go first), getting perks like first dibs on food and nesting, as well as power of distribution. However, there are no “billionaire bonobos” – female or male – and even the lowliest, most beta cuck male gets his share of bananas, a little sex and a place to sleep. They can also rest assured they won’t be murdered by their stronger brethren; thus far, bonobos have never been seen killing each other in the wild or captivity.
Not that bonobos don’t fight, and with their formidable strength, any adult bonobo could easily pin any human wrestling champ, MMA star or Jiu Jitsu black belt to the mat in a cage match or just toss them out of the ring. In a way, bonobos love to fight – for play and for real; they just don’t kill each other. That’s the key.
So, I promise not to kill Mark Zuckerberg. I’m no Luigi Mangione, and even he should be presumed innocent until proven guilty, plus let me just add that *Luigi in Bondage* is currently winning KinkFave on the Web. But I am taking my fight for social media users’ rights to the next level, having just counterpunched, aka served, Meta Platforms, Inc., with a Motion to Vacate their rigged arbitration with which they tried to KO my case in Round I.
Meta’s international white-shoe corporate Mayer Brown lawyers took a swing at my Motion, alleging that I was essentially out of my league, to which I struck back with: Please, out of my way.
READ OUR WHACKS BACK & FORTH (enter Case Number 24-CIV- 06926 in the court portal)
PR: Billionaire Mind Virus “Free Speech Woman vs. Zuck the Cuck (Round II) Read My Brief/s
PR: Dr. Suzy vs. Meta: Round II PR: Dr. Susan Block taking META & Mark Zuckerberg to Arbitration Block’s Meta Arbitration Statement & Power Point Meta Deactivates Block’s Facebook & IG Accounts
This marks a pivotal moment in our ongoing feud and my fight for love, justice, accountability, transparency, sex education and free speech in social media against the algorithmically weaponized META MAGA Megalopoly.
Of course, Meta Mayer Brown lawyers are now dirtying up their white shoes, trying to kick, punch, bite, spank, nipple-twist, pussy-grab and wrestle my little Motion to the mat, but as of this writing, I’m still in the ring, and our hearing now set for June 20, 2025 in San Mateo Superior Court. Ding! Ding!
Mark the Snake & Elon the Boar
Yes, it’s a longshot, especially in the Age of the BMV – but it’s St. Paddy’s Season, so I’m feeling lucky. Saint Patrick drove away the snakes, and I’m no saint, but the venomous Snake of Social Media Mark Elliot Zuckerberg – camouflaged as a harmless, socially awkward geek – should be driven out of our social lives.
Musk is arguably more monstrous, but Zuck’s a two-faced snake (and not the good kind of snake). Musk is more of a stomping, snorting boar. Not just a Boring CEO with a very personal South African affection for the apartheid-loving Boers, Elon Musk is a boar. Indeed, Musky Boar (and baby boar) snort and stomp around White House press conferences rather like those “big, smart and prolific breeder super pigs” now ravaging the U.S. countryside from the Canadian border. Now these are some dangerous migrants that no one is stopping!
Musk is a swine among hogs – chowing down on government contracts from the government he’s now overseeing – but I must acknowledge that his X/Twitter fiefdom has not (yet) deactivated and barely even censored any of my accounts, whereas Meta has – big-time. So, Elon’s a Boar, but with Zuck the Snake-Eyed Cuck, you could say that, for me, it’s personal; Zuck hurt me and my loved ones. Who cares about Facebook, IG and WhatsApp – until you abruptly don’t have them – and Zuck the Snake-Biting Cuck deactivated me just before Max’s stroke, isolating us from critical social support systems when we really needed them.
We the People—the users who give these platforms life—deserve transparency, fairness, and respect. Meta’s algorithmic overreach and its suppression of free speech, alternative voices, artistic expression, political opinions, responsible sex education, consenting adult relationships and essential modern communications, must be challenged.
Like many algorithmically flagged and wrongfully deactivated accounts, my case against Meta is part of a worldwide uprising of activists, artists and everyday social media users online and on the streets, in courtrooms and public squares, tired of billionaire boars and snakes with forked tongues under government pressure, or with financial incentive, to censor our social lives, control our politics, poison our food, triage our medical care, crash our planes, degrade our art and distort our sexuality, all while making a big blowhard pretense of being *for* Free Speech… though it’s painfully obvious these “owners” of ours only mean Free Speech for themselves – not for you or me.
It’s the Chinese Year of the Snake, and so far, slimy Zuck is slithering away from fact-checking and all things “woke,” like an excited Apprentice hissing “you’re fired!” to 3000 “low performers,” and using even more of the AI (Artificial Ignorance) that wrongfully deactivated me and so many others like me.
With multi-billionaire Snakes and Boars demolishing what’s left of human democracy, it behooves us to note that in the Bible (the dirtiest book that’s not censored), the Boar is deemed “unclean” (Deuteronomy 14:8-10), and the Snake loses his legs and is forced to “eat dust” (Genesis 3:14)… Unfortunately, that’s only after he’s already ruined the Garden of Eden for everyone forevermore.
Sneaky Snaky Zuck
Vaguely aware of his own repellant, cold-blooded, sneaky, snaky, erotophobic insecurity, Zuck the Cuck attempted to shed his skin, growing out his tiny-banged Caesar cut into a curly bush… a Snake in the Grass.
Unfortunately, the fluffy new hairdo didn’t hide Zuck’s serpentine slime, nor his lascivious frustration,on display in that furtive glance down the White House white lace decolletage of his fellow reptilian Trump–fellating Tech Lord (now curtailing freedom of opinion in the name of “personal liberties” at what’s left of the Amazon Washington Post) Jeff Bezos’ hot wife Lauren Sánchez. Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg: Control your cuck!
But oh, what a luminous lineup of Billionaire Tech Lords and Ladies that was, paying Inaugural homage to their new and former Emperor, the King of Cons and the Heel of Heels in Professional Wrestling and Presidential Politics – now virtually the same game – Donald J. Trumpus Rumpus.
Trumpty Dumpty is back up on his wall after his fall. The Democrats were just too busy helping Bibi pound Palestine to fry up that cracked old egg and feed it to the snakes and boars – who would have eaten his fake billionaire ass up and spit him out, if he’d lost. Instead, so-called “liberals” let Trumpty roll right into the White House again, getting so much egg on their faces, the humiliation is spreading along with the virus.
Zuck even spat out $25 million in protection money, aka “settlement” cash, and devoutly reinstated Daddy Trump’s deactivated Meta accounts. “Daddy” has “arrived, and he’s taking off his belt,” and now there is no limit to how much Zuck will suck up his special sauce.
Sounds gross, and it is. On the other hand, why shouldn’t Meta do the same for me?
After all, both Trumpty Don and I were suspended during the Biden administration, when poor shamefaced, snake-eyed Zuck confessed that Biden officials had pressured him to censor politics, medical advice and, of course, sex.
Why shouldn’t Meta do the same for you?
One reason is that venomous Meta Snake Zuck is poisoning us all for his profit. It’s not just because Zuck’s my nemesis in the San Mateo Court ring.
This whining mophead’s Meta-megalopoly is gobbling up users like a monster python devouring a billion little Mickey and Minnie Mice.
Mickey, Minnie Me & You
It’s a longshot, but We the People – the Mickeys and Minnies of the world – the users who give Meta’s platforms life – must stand up for our rights – User Rights, including Social Media Users’ Free Speech, or lose them to these ravenous rich Snakes and Boars of the Billionaire Mind Virus.
Which brings me back to Max (whose nickname is “Mickey”) now navigating life after that stroke. What an incredible, inspirational journey that is also deeply challenging, a little bit sexy, very educational, harrowing, heartwarming… and banned on Meta.
Yes, Meta censored – and is still censoring – Max’s healing, cutting off both private and public communications with our friends, family and intentional community. That’s not algorithmic efficiency – nor is it the “masculinity” for which these masculinity-challenged Tech Lords strive so mightily. That’s just cold-blooded cruelty, one hallmark of the Billionaire Mind Virus in both virtual and real life.
It’s also a sinister move by that Snake-in-the-Grass who used to hiss and rattle that Facebook had become the “public square,” and was so integral to modern life, everybody had to have it. Well, not everybody.
So, into the trenches we go, Mickey and Minnie of Bonoboville, fighting the Billionaire Mind Virus – with our pens, phones and hearts on our sleeves, with our communities holding us up, fighting for our social media user rights, for Max’s medical rights and for all our other rights being deleted in the name of “efficiency” from who knows where right now.
After all, if Zucky Snakes and Musky Boars can deactivate your social media account of 15 years with such cold-blooded, algorithmic ease and boar-ing impudence, why not your Social Security? Why not your whole *inefficient* life?
Instead of spreading the Billionaire Mind Virus, how about spreading the wealth? It’s the Bonobo Way.
Source: Counter Punch