Dear esteemed brother-archpastors, honorable fathers,
Beloved brothers, sisters, and children in Christ!
With great joy in the Newborn Christ, I extend my greetings to my brother-archpastors, esteemed fathers, monastics, and all the devoted faithful of the Russian Church Abroad on the occasion of Christ’s Nativity, a moment of salvation for the world, along with the Theophany and the New Year 2025. I fervently wish everyone the profound joy that accompanies the Son of God’s arrival in our world.
These recent years have been challenging and filled with sorrow, yet they have also bestowed upon us numerous blessings for which we must express our gratitude to our Benefactor. We have reached this joyful season because God’s Providence has been with us. If we have managed to carry the burdens placed upon us thus far, it is solely by the grace of the Lord, who has provided us with health, strength, sustenance, and has graciously guided us throughout our lives.
The Lord, as demonstrated in the life and Primatial service of the Holy Hierarch Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow & All Russia, who reposed on the feast of the Annunciation in 1925, never abandons those who are faithful to Him. During his memorable Patriarchate, St. Tikhon, like many new martyrs and confessors, found within himself God-given strength to respond boldly, wisely, and simply to the militant godlessness. His example shows that the Church is active in both prosperous times and, especially, in moments of persecution, testimony, and martyrdom. All efforts to extinguish Christ’s Church have ultimately led to failure, as evidenced by historical events and the ongoing aggression faced by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church today.
Through the intercessions of the Holy Hierarch Tikhon, who departed 100 years ago, may the Lord assist us as we contemplate the past, evaluate the present with clarity, and progress into the future with steadfast hope, feeling “the mighty hand of God” (I Peter 5:6) guiding us toward true happiness!
Christmastide always inspires deep love and gratitude in the faithful heart. During this time, let us also offer our heartfelt thanks to God, extending our love towards Him and our neighbors. Gratitude and love come as a form of sacrifice. These are the two mites of the widow in the Gospel. Thus, I appeal to all who are able to contribute to the preservation and restoration of the historic Synodal Headquarters in New York City, the home to our principal holy icon—the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God “of the Sign,” which appeared 730 years ago. The Holy Hierarch Tikhon, together with the Holy Hierarch Raphael of Brooklyn and the Holy Hieromartyr Alexander Khotovitsky, walked our neighborhood in Manhattan, while Metropolitan Anastassy (Gribanovsky), who labored alongside the holy Patriarch-Confessor, purchased this mansion with the assistance of his spiritual son to establish the Cathedral of the Sign and the spiritual and administrative center of the Russian Church Abroad. Here, the Holy Hierarchs John (Maximovitch) and Nikolaj (Velimirovic) served and resided. Numerous Councils of Bishops, clergy conferences, church-social events, and significant historic milestones took place here, including the glorification of St. Tikhon and all new martyrs and confessors of the 20th century. As we offer our gratitude to God and His Most Pure Mother, let us also commit ourselves to preserving our heritage, this tremendous gift from God, for He will not forsake us. A grateful heart will undoubtedly be prepared to receive even greater gifts and mercies from God, which I earnestly wish for our Church. Amen.
With love in the Newborn Christ,
Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
The Nativity of our Lord 2024/2025