Report: Non-Citizens Have Cast Votes in Maine Since 2016

Report: Non-Citizens Have Cast Votes in Maine Since 2016

A recent report claims that as many as 40 percent of the non-citizens in Maine, including illegal immigrants and individuals with “legal alien status,” may have voted or had ballots cast in their name in U.S. elections since 2016.

The Maine Wire reported that the recent report is based on MaineCare records and voter information obtained by the outlet from the Central Voter Registration system. The outlet noted that the two voting record databases provide public evidence that non-citizens have potentially been illegally registered to vote and have illegally voted in the state in large numbers.

According to The Maine Wire, a population sample of 25 non-citizens enrolled in MaineCare showed that 10 non-citizens were registered to vote. Based on the information obtained by the outlet, 40% of the non-citizens enrolled in MaineCare have been registered to vote illegally.

READ MORE: Supreme Court allows Virginia to remove 1,600 non-citizens from voter rolls

The Maine Wire noted that based on information from Maine’s secretary of state, of the 10 non-citizens registered to vote in the population sample, eight of the non-citizens have had votes cast in their names since the 2016 election.

According to The Maine Wire, the full number of non-citizens who have voted or registered to vote in the state’s elections is not currently known due to limited data. However, the outlet noted that based on American Community Survey data, 20,137 non-citizens over the age of 18 resided in Maine in 2022.

The Maine Wire reported that if the voter registration rate demonstrated in the MaineCare records of non-citizens is reflected across the state’s entire population of non-citizens, over 8,000 non-citizens could have illegally registered to vote and may have voted illegally in U.S. elections.

While The Maine Wire reported that the Central Voter Registration data pertaining to the 2024 election has not yet been updated in the system, at least one of the non-citizens included in the population sample was recorded both registering to vote and voting in the 2024 Democratic primary election.

Additionally, The Maine Wire reported that many non-citizens who have registered to vote or had votes cast in their names are described in the MaineCare database as having “severe intellectual disabilities.” The outlet noted that state and federal laws could have been broken if individuals assisted the non-citizens with the voter registration and voting process.