Social Media Takes Swipe at Helen Ukpabio on Her 60th Birthday

Social Media Takes Swipe at Helen Ukpabio on Her 60th Birthday

Calabar, Nigeria – The social media has descended on Lady Apostle Helen Ukpabio, Founder of Liberty Gospel Church, on her 60th birthday.

Converseer reports that Ukpabio, known for hosting crusades and programmes against witches and wizards in her church headquartered in Calabar, Cross River State, with messages aimed at little children, has been trending in the past 24 hours microblogging social media, X (formerly Twitter).

It started when one influencer, known as OneJoblessBoy, celebrated the Evangelist’s 60th birthday on Friday, November 22, 2024.

An X account, Ima in the city (@ima_Elijah), claiming the be the daughter of Ukpabio, was not spared by the backlashes for trying to defend her alleged mother.

Trending Explained (@TrendingEx), one of X’s power forces known for bringing trending topics to the limelight, shared the following insights:

[Helen Ukpabio is trending because earlier, One Jobless Boy celebrated the Evangelist’s 60th birthday.

Then it took a wild turn!

So…she is responsible for the killing of hundreds of babies and children. According to her, any baby that cries at night is a witch.

This is just the surface…

Helen was a notorious witchcraft hunter in the early 2000’s. She specialized in kid witchcraft. According to her, she was once a witch before God called her, so she knows how to identify them and neutralize them.

She defines witches as servants of Satan.

According to the now Apostle Helen Ukpabio, she said any kid that is; stubborn, that lies, that doesn’t like going to school, that keeps bad company, that plays and blows up home electronics, that breaks plates in the kitchen, any kid that stamps their feet on the ground, amongst all.. Is a witch, a servant of satan, and must be immediately neutralized (deliverance).

She did tours around the country preaching and delivering poor kids off witchcraft. She was so passionate about cleansing the world that she made movies to buttress her divine points.

Her movies exposed her ideology to larger audiences, she made sequels upon sequels. It was her movie that taught Nigerians that collecting biscuits or sweets from anyone will turn you into a witch. And you’d start flying at night. Yeah, the myth started with the legendary Helen Ukpabio.

Due to her teachings, parents disowned their kids; some killed their infants, and some just chased them from home. Kids were littered on the roads in Port Harcourt, Rivers, Akwa Ibom etc.

That was when she started getting the attention of the government, both locally and internationally.

On July 3rd 2009, she hired gunmen to attack a network taking care of abandoned “witch” kids. It was brutal that the then Governor Godswill Akpabio had to visit the centre, to assess the extent of damage. Helen still sued the network owner for harboring “stigmatized kids”.

State governments had to make it illegal to accuse anyone of witchcraft, carrying a penalty of 10 years imprisonment and or a 1,000,000 fine. This was when she cooled, and slowly faded away.

One time an NGO, asked her why she taught and made movies promoting child abuse. She said she has never promoted child abuse.

Apostle Helen compared her movies to Harry Potter.

In her words, “This is racism. After all, JK Rowling also makes witch movies for kids”.

She didn’t just end it with kids. According to her, any female who doesn’t dress like a deeper life (no disrespect intended) is a witch.

Her work was so popular that other churches started “capturing” child witches and torturing them even with acid, and killing many as “deliverance”. Most pastors then turned it into a business.

In 2014, she went to do a “witch hunting” revival in the UK. Some activists against her petitioned the British government to deport and ban her from further entering the UK.

She was successfully deported in April of 2014, due to overwhelming evidence tendered. She also tried to visit the USA, but groups there immediately moved against it.

In their petition, they stated, “There have been numerous cases of children in the UK being tortured and sometimes killed due to the beliefs that Helen Ukpabio espouses. Horrific murder cases such as Victoria Climbié and Kristy Bamu were linked to the practices of pastors similar to Helen Ukpabio. We cannot afford to wait for another such case before the Government takes action to put a stop to such preachers. She is a risk to children.”

In 2012, Helen accused TB Joshua of performing staged miracles. And his wealth was given to him by demons.

Now! Her daughter is defending her and saying everything is a lie. Meanwhile, there is video evidence and books written by Helen; there is actually overwhelming evidence. Enough for the UK to indict her, but they rather deported and banned her from entering the UK.

Interestingly, according to her definition of witch. Her daughter would have been a witch.]

“Meanwhile, I have a film in development if anyone is interested in producing. It’s titled Skolombo and is based on my experiences surviving Helen Ukpabio. Skolombo & Lacasera refers to thousands of street kids in Cross River exiled from their homes due to witchcraft accusations. “If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health he or she is a servant of Satan”. This is a direct quote from your mother’s book “Unveiling The Mysteries of Witchcraft”.” Otiga Alih

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