Today Morning Declarations With FEMI RAIMI – 26th January 2025

Today Morning Declarations With FEMI RAIMI – 26th January 2025

Morning Declarations With Femi Raimi (MDWFR)


This Morning, The Presence of God will go with You and your household in Jesus Name!

May His Mercy never depart from You and yours in Jesus Name

May the blessings of The Holy Day be your portion in Jesus Name

Whatever you cried to bed in request last night – Receive it now in Jesus Name

Go and receive Divine encounter now in Jesus Name

May God of wonders visit You this day in Jesus Name

Wherever you have been trusting God for wonders – Receive it now in Jesus Name

May your latter years be more better and beautiful than former in Jesus Name

May your head never reject the prayers of the Saints in Jesus Name

That mark of depression has been wiped away by the blood of Jesus

Let that life threatening sickness exit your body now in Jesus Name

As The Lord has been good to You – So shall it be till the end in Jesus Name

As we approach His Presence today – May our lives never remain the same again in Jesus Name

God is going to do that impossibility this week! Receive your Testimonies in Jesus Name

Whatever God is doing in this season – May you not miss out in Jesus Name

Someone has been barren for exactly 7years this year. The Lord said You are in your year of FRUITFULNESS. Receive your babies in Jesus Name

For everyone coming with their first fruit in this new year – May God supply all your needs like never before in Jesus Name

Go and dominate in Jesus Name

On this journey of Christianity – May you not fall nor fail God in Jesus Name

All Pregnancies attached to this Ministry shall be Perfected Testimonies in Jesus Name

For everyone supporting back2school project and those that are willing to support – Receive all you need to give in Jesus Name

For All secret giver to this Ministry – I might not know You but God who has put it into your mind to bless this Ministry will reward you publicly in Jesus Name!

By the time I will read from you it shall be Testimonies in Jesus Name!

For all Ministry Partner and Tither to this Ministry – May you continue to have and give in Jesus Name!

For those who desires to give but they don’t have – Lord, start with them right now in Jesus Name!

Father, bless your children so they can have more than enough in Jesus Name!

I Pray for all intercessor on this Ministry – May, You not regret paying this Sacrifice in Jesus Name!

For everyone that has sown any seed this season – May You return with bountiful harvest in Jesus Name!

I cover all homes with the blood of Jesus

I will not have cause to mourn over anyone of You in Jesus Name!

Remember to Pray for me, my family and All Ministers of this Ministry!

Any forces that wants to stand against this morning declarations wrath of God locate their camps in Jesus Name!

And All shall be well with You in Jesus name!

And at the end we shall not be cast away in Jesus Name!

Go ahead and Celebrate God for this Declarations.

We return all Glory to you Alone.