“Today the nature of the waters is sanctified…”
The water was sanctified by the immersion of Jesus Christ, the voice of the Father, and the descent of the Holy Spirit.
This sanctification takes place during Baptism in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Water acquires a special salvific power. What happens during Baptism? The sinner comes out of the font a saint.
We’re clothed in a robe of glory and purity: “As many as have been baptized into Christ…”
After Baptism, we’re dressed in a wedding garment and Christ wants to see us at His feast.
How should we protect the purity of our garment? We exchange it for the sinful clothes of fornication—not wedding clothes, and therefore we deprive ourselves of eternal life. There will be no place for us there.
What should we do? Whiten it. How? Just as dirty earthly clothes are washed and cleansed by water, so spiritual clothes are washed by tears of repentance.
Take the example of the harlot and the publican from the Gospel. Brethren, don’t forget the words “I renounce” and “I unite myself.”
Now we’re overgrown with sins; we unite ourselves with the devil and we renounce Christ.
What then, should we keep working for the devil through sin? No! If we’ve sinned—let us repent, and the Lord will call us sinners to Himself.
If we’ve lost the purity of our soul, let us wash it away with repentance, not in a font with water, but in the font of tears: Wash you, make you clean (Is. 1:16), and the Lord, in His mercy, will again make us sons of Light and communicants of the Heavenly Kingdom.