Trans girl Carly Gregg shoots, kills her mom who discovered her secret life

Trans girl Carly Gregg shoots, kills her mom who discovered her secret life

A Mississippi girl Carly Gregg was caught on video sneaking up on her mother before shooting and killing her after the mom allegedly found out about her “secret life.”

The mother, Ashley Smylie, could be heard screaming as the first shot rang out.

The 15-year-old then lured her stepfather back to the home by texting him from her mom’s phone.

When the stepfather, Heath Smylie, returned home, Gregg shot him in the shoulder before he overpowered her.

Ashley Smylie had allegedly found out that her daughter was using drugs.

Psychiatrist Dr Andrew Clark claimed Gregg was having a “mental health crisis” from her medications.

Clark, along with Heath Smylie, say Gregg did not remember shooting her mother.

Gregg’s trial is this week. Gregg is a girl who identifies as nonbinary.

Gregg was reportedly on SSRI medications and had a history of mental illness and cutting herself.


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