Friday, 26 July 2024.

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Hon. Aruku proposes Bill to provide portable water supply in Cross River

By Frank Ulom

Hon. (Engr.) Thomas Aruku, Member representing Ogoja State Constituency in the Cross River State House of Assembly has proposed a bill to provide portable water supply in the state.

The bill tagged “Water Bill” was presided over during a public hearing by Aruku, Chairman House Committee on Water Supply and Sanitation and Vice Chairman, Hon. Okon Owuna, representing Akamkpa I.

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Other Committee Members are Rt Hon. Davies Ettah, representing Abi and Hon. (Engr) Francis Ogban, representing Biase.

The bill which came up for public hearing on 14 February 2024, at the Mini Auditorium of the Cross River State House of Assembly Complex Calabar, was well attended by Civil Society Organisations, CSOs, members of the public and interest groups, who made inputs for quality water supply in the State.

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Frank Ulom
Frank Ulom
Frank Ulom is an experienced Journalist, Blogger and Writer with several years of experience. His stories are based on community development and have brought positive change across board.

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