CNN's Stephanie Elam Praises OJ Simpson on Live TV

CNN’s Stephanie Elam Praises OJ Simpson on Live TV

CNN’s Stephanie Elam appears to praise OJ Simpson on Live TV, saying “so many people” were happy to see Simpson get away with murder because he was black.

Elam added, “We saw policing changing here in the city and it’s also worth noting because of that unrest, that racial unrest in the nineties.

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“That is why so many people who may not have been invested in OJ Simpson, were just happy to see that someone who was rich and famous and black… uh could get away with what other people did in the system as well too.”

OJ Simpson died on Wednesday at 76 years of age after his battle with cancer.

Simpson was reportedly surrounded by his family when he died. The last few months of his life were spent in hospice.

Simpson, who was acquitted for murdering his ex-wife and her friend, died from prostate cancer.

“On April 10th, our father, Orenthal James Simpson, succumbed to his battle with cancer,” his family said.

“He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren.”

“During this time of transition, his family asks that you please respect their wishes for privacy and grace.”

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