Germany's Last Generation Group Looking to Drop Name and Evolve

Germany’s Last Generation Group Looking to Drop Name and Evolve

Berlin, Germany – The German climate activist group Last Generation is changing its name but will continue its advocacy with a new focus, the group has announced.

Co-founder and spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs told news magazine Spiegel that “something new, something big,” would evolve from the group.

There would still be protests, highlighting the need for diversity and creativity, Hinrichs said.

“But blockades in front of cars, airports, and roads are no longer our focus,” she said.

The group’s name was derived from the activists’ belief that they belonged to the last generation capable of averting a global climate disaster, but that view no longer holds

“The situation is escalating before our eyes,” Hinrichs said. Since the group is no longer certain that it will in fact be the last generation, it is abandoning the name, she said.

“When we started, the government would still have been able to counteract the climate catastrophe. Today we are in the midst of it.”

Last Generation has made a name for itself in Europe with acts of civil disobedience, such as obstructing traffic, abseiling from motorway bridges and throwing food at museum artworks.

According to Hinrichs, the aim now is to expand the project. “We want to make connections and prepare for the upcoming crises. It is about mutual assurance, social justice and cohesion.”
