A landlord in Anambra state, has accused his tenant identified as Chukwuneke Ebehu of st@bbing him over an unpaid electricity bill in Onitsha, Anambra State.
The landlord, Tochukwu Nnaji, who disclosed this in a Facebook post on Sunday, January 26, 2025, claimed the suspect st@bbed him several times with a dagger confirmed to have been “poisoned.”
“This is how I end up on Friday night my tenant, an Abakiliki man from izza ebonyi state st@bbed me with poisonous dagger around 9:43pm on Friday till now I am fighting for my life at hospital over unpaid NEPA bill of N9250 , if the pains I sustained from my stomach continues I might be transferred to new hospital for further treatment or surgery,” he wrote.
“This is the face of the Abakiliki guy that stabbed me. He is a mechanic that use to work on my car that’s why I rented him my house. His name is Chukwuneke ebehu from izza ebonyi state. He st@bbed me severally with dagger which confirm to be poisonous dagger. I am still in hospital. His shop location is kala mechanic village okpoko. I am still admitted at lumen Christi hospital iyiowa layout odekpe.”