Official Statement: CounterPunch Opposes Elimination of NEPA Implementation Rules

Official Statement: CounterPunch Opposes Elimination of NEPA Implementation Rules

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New Border Wall in San Diego near Imperial Beach CA. – PICRYL – Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search

CounterPunch opposes the Trump regime’s plan to excise the Council on Environmental Quality’s implementing regs for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Our comment is now visible at

Sometimes called the Magna Carta of U.S. environmental law, NEPA forces agencies to interrogate proposed federal actions before they begin. CounterPunch has a strong interest in the use of NEPA in protecting living communities and ecosystems, and in the work of environmental activists, lawyers, journalists, and others who hold agencies accountable.

Eviscerating the White House Council on Environmental Quality is a vile idea. Oppose it. Submit your own comment for publication to the Federal Register by 27 March.