Category: Opinion
The US could move its nascent “New Détente” with Russia further along by either forcing the G7 and UNGA Resolution sponsors to change their language about “Russian aggression” or …
By Nduese Essien I have been observing with keen interest, the latest drama in the long-standing tradition of sensational media trials, where self-proclaimed crusaders embark on arranged campaigns, luring …
“How are you doing?” “I am good” “I am now convinced beyond any iota of doubt that this your Republican friend called Donald Trump has something wrong with him.” …
By Abiodun Komolafe It is a settled fact that Anthony Eromosele Enahoro (July 22, 1923 – December 15, 2010) was an outstanding product of Nigeria’s pre-independence era. Enahoro moved …
Trump is preparing for negotiations with Putin over Ukraine as well as with Xi over trade and likely also Taiwan, so he’d appear weak in their eyes if he …
By Etim Etim The 2027 political season is arriving a bit too early in Akwa Ibom State, and as usual, the starting point is mudslinging and salacious political publications …
Here’s the full interview that I gave to VOA China’s FM Shakil on this subject, excerpts of which were published in their report on 20 January titled “安全和阿富汗问题将考验2025年中国与巴基斯坦的关系” Sino-Pak …
By Team Oden Ewa’s Media It is disappointing to witness the descent into baseless propaganda and poorly orchestrated attacks against Hon. Oden Ewa, a man whose dedication to public …
By Omini Oden Nigeria’s politics has outgrown the era of using false propaganda and blackmail to climb the ladder of political power, and the sponsors of the campaign of …
By Enang Eja The unfolding dynamics in Yakurr’s politics bring to mind the tale “How the Cookie Crumbles,” a childhood story my father often narrated. This story perfectly mirrors …