New York, U.S. – Rick Wilson goes on vile rant against Trump voters, says they’re just a bunch of guys wearing Oakleys with goatees driving trucks around thinking they’d work at Google if it weren’t for immigrants.
He made the comment on MSNBC tagging it “MAGA ‘Civil War’ Erupts Over Immigration.”
“It’s an inevitability that the hyper populist, non college educated part of Trump’s base, which is the plurality at the minimum of majority, if you take certain arguments, we’re always going to be preconditioned to believe that the word immigration or the word visa always in their minds means brown people bad.”
“And so they have this belief that the guy with the GED and his fake Oakley sunglasses, his goatee and his pickup truck, the universal Twitter bro that you see in every avatar on Twitter, that guy’s thinking to himself, well, I could have been the senior software designer at Google if only it weren’t for DEI or immigration.”
“It’s absurd. But now you see these people that rely on that as a core part of their business, just like Donald Trump does.”
“Also, by the way, for service staff at Mar-a-Lago and other resorts, you see this conflict. It’s going to eventually, you know, the hyper populist.”