Craiova, Romania, March 14, 2025
An Orthodox parish in southeast Romania organized a fundraiser for children with cancer this year.
The church in Brândușa, Craiova, together with the Vasiliada Assocaition of the Archdiocese of Craiova, as well as local schools and other institutions, managed to raise $3,255 (3,000 euros), which was used to purchase a fully equipped syringe pump-infusion pump station for the Oncopediatrics Department of the local hospital, reports the Basilica News Agency.
This piece of equipment delivers precise doses of medications, fluids, or nutrients at controlled rates directly into a patient’s bloodstream over extended periods.
Fr. Florin Mihail, president of the Vasiliada Association, and Fr. Gabriel Sorescu, the local priest, participated in the donation ceremony, emphasizing the transformative power of good deeds and their impact on the community.
The parish also provides gifts for oncopediatric patients every year, holding a toy fair to raise funds, and organizes pilgrimages and excursions for the children. This year, there will be a pilgrimage to the monasteries of Oltenia after Pascha for the child patients of the Oncopediatrics Department and their families.
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Source: Orthodox Christianity