Social Media Giants Facebook, X, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok Agree to Voluntary Commitment to Combat Hate Speech

Social Media Giants Facebook, X, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok Agree to Voluntary Commitment to Combat Hate Speech

Facebook, X, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch, LinkedIn, TikTok, and other social media platforms have all signed a voluntary commitment to tackle hate speech.

The signed voluntary commitment is geared towards making efforts to prevent illegal hate speech (as defined by European Union laws) on their platforms in the EU.

The updated agreement requires signatories to analyze “at least two-thirds of hate speech notices” within 24 hours, to be transparent about hate speech detection and reduction, and to permit third-party monitors to evaluate how the platforms evaluate hate speech notices.

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The code of conduct, which subjects signatories to an annual audit with regard to compliance, potentially showcases the EU’s efforts to regulate online spaces while maintaining transparency.

“Hatred and polarisation are threats to EU values and fundamental rights and undermine the stability of our democracies. The internet is amplifying the negative effects of hate speech,” EU Commissioner Michael McGrath said in a statement. “We trust this Code of conduct+ will do its part in ensuring a robust response.”