Tears of motherhood, Chibok missing girls: A case study

Tears of motherhood, Chibok missing girls: A case study

By Felix Agbesanwa

Sometimes, one may be in doubt whether truly these girls got missed at the beginning. Recently, with all these facts coming out after ten years, I am indeed worried as a parent that more than ten years now that those girls have been captured by the Boko Horam people, they are still nowhere to be found.

Recently the Federal Government took some decisive steps to ensure that some of these girls were released. This action by them needs to be commended because they did not rest on their oars in fulfilling their promises. But, I think that more can still be done to raise the hopes of these women that their daughters are nowhere to be found.

Many may not understand the pains of these mothers, assuming those children have died naturally in their domains, they would not be too bothered because everyone knows that one day you must die. But they are not dead, yet they are not seen.

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Many wear new clothes, many can take good food at their disposal, and many are at home with their families celebrating, but there are some women who for over ten years, cries are unstoppable. They can’t have sound sleep again. Every day, they hope to hear and see their daughters, no one to play with again, some of them have become barren in the daytime yet they have children. Among the kidnapped girls, we have two or three that belong to the same family.

Should we blame them for going to school? Should we blame their parents for giving them a sound education? Are we going to keep quiet and fold our hands? This is not a matter of politics, it’s a matter of empathising with these dying mothers.

Oh, my heart bleeds seriously to see a mother crying on the TV saying “She is my only daughter”. When are they coming back home? When are we going to see them? Lots of questions that demand answers.

Hope our government will try more to wipe these uncontrollable tears from these mothers.

Some of us have a strong belief in the administration of PBAT that very soon, they shall be reunited again with their families, we can only pray for the government to succeed in this mission. Their joy is our joy.

From a weeping patriot.