We’re Seeing Too Many Premature Deaths Due to Abandoning Our Traditions for ‘Oyibo’ Ways – Yul Edochie

We’re Seeing Too Many Premature Deaths Due to Abandoning Our Traditions for ‘Oyibo’ Ways – Yul Edochie

I don’t glamorise our traditions. Many of them were vile. I thank Christian evangelists for expunging murder of twins and babies who cut the ‘wrong’ teeth first, burying healthy people alive with dead chiefs, torturing widows but not widowers, and other vile customs. Let us drop this misplaced arrogance that stops us being grateful to missionaries and colonialists. We kick against assertions that they brought us ‘civilization.’ They did in many aspects of life, including modern medicine, whether or not we choose to accept it. It is an arrogant spirit that hates to be grateful to a benefactor. All the old people who experienced colonialism would tell you that Nigeria was incomparably better run under the British than under Nigerians. We glamorise our traditions, then do our utmost to move to foreign lands!

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