Let’s introduce you to Wyatt O’Brian Evans, a journalist, author, radio personality, voice-over talent/instructor, and Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) Subject Matter Expert (SME)/advocate/public speaker.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
My story is full of unique complexities and challenges. I was born and raised in Washington, D.C., the youngest and the only boy. Because I started to talk at 9 months, most folks believed that I’d grow up “having many opinions to express.” They were correct. At an early age, my dad passed away. I had numerous struggles: not having a consistent role model in the home to mirror and whom to guide me. I was painfully shy and suffered from a crippling lack of self-esteem. Most of the time, I didn’t fit in with the kids, who considered me “Brainiac.” And at the same time, I couldn’t come to terms with being Gay/SGL (same-gender-loving). I was attending the George Washington University (double majored in Journalism and Political Science) in Washington, DC when I met my first romantic partner. We became a monogamous couple. Unfortunately, I became a victim of Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A), which is domestic violence and abuse within the LGBTQ community. He preyed on my insecurities, severe lack of self-esteem, and my confusion and angst surrounding my orientation. I was chronically depressed, feeling “lower than low.” After several years, I developed the fortitude to leave my abusive partner. Afterward, therapy pretty much saved me. I was able to heal and accept and embrace my orientation. I finally made peace. I got here through true grit, dogged determination, hard work, and the belief that I was put on this earth for a specific purpose.
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
First, learning to truly and fully believe in me was a challenge, which was due to, at one point. having a crippling lack of self-esteem. As well, overcoming bouts of depression was an obstacle. Getting both Gay/SGL and mainstream audiences to understand and accept the seriousness and prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) can be challenging. However, I am determined to continue to shine a bright light on IPV/A, a societal ill that is preventable. Therefore, it must be addressed.
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
Arguably, I’m the quintessential Renaissance man. I’m a journalist, author, radio personality, voice-over talent/instructor, and Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) Subject Matter Expert (SME)/advocate/pubic speaker. I earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in journalism and political science from the George Washington University. My work as a journalist has been featured in print and online media outlets including the Advocate, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Baltimore Gay Life, Bilerico, Washington Blade, and BaltimoreOUTloud. I’m the founder and editor-in-chief of Wyattevans.com, a leading LGBTQ online news and features media outlet. My journalistic work focuses mainly on IPV/A. I’m the author of the “Nothing Can Tear Us Apart” (Gay, ethnic) series of novels, with IPV/A as its major theme. “FRENZY!” is the latest installment. The host of my eponymously titled podcast, WYATT!, I explore and tackle those critical issues that resonate with and impact the Gay/SGL (same gender loving) men. I’m also a voice-over (V/O) talent and instructor. And so critically, I’m an Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) Subject Matter Expert, advocate, and speaker. My continuing mission is to shine a bright light on this abusive behavior through awareness and education. I’m the LGBTQ Community Chair of the National Trauma Education and Policy Board. Its mission is to increase awareness about the impact and consequences of trauma in all of its forms. Some characteristics that describe me: communicative, punctilious, personable, tenacious, resourceful, highly creative. I’m always willing to listen to diverse viewpoints. These traits set me apart from the competition.
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
First and foremost, you must have a strong sense of self, and an unshakeable belief in yourself. Then, you must visualize what you want, and believe that you already have it. And, you’ve got to put in the (hard) work to convert what you want into reality. Always remember: you are never too old to achieve. Just go for it…and reach for the stars!
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
More than anything else, success to me means that you are truly at peace with yourself. You believe you’re on the planet to make a difference in the lives of others. And that you’ve found a calling you truly relish, and that fulfills you.
What’s next for you?
I’m educating the public about and shining a bright light on Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A), which tends to be swept under the rug; therefore, it tends to be dramatically under-reported. I’m continuing with my journalism endeavors, which include Wyattevans.com. I’m excited that the WYATT! podcast is experiencing such rapid growth. I’m writing a new novel, which is scheduled for release on Valentine’s Day. And, I’m expanding my voice-over business.
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.
- My website is: www.wyattevans.com
- Twitter: @MisterWOE
- Instagram: mrwyatto
- https://www.facebook.com/wyattobrianevans
Source: The US Times