Friday, 28 June 2024.

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UNICROSS Alumni Set Up Committees Ahead Of National Convention

The University of Cross River State (UNICROSS) Alumni have constituted six committees to oversee the forthcoming National Convention.

According to a statement by Dr Inyali Peter, National Public Relations Officer of UNICROSS Alumni on Monday, November 6, 2023, the six committees are Electoral Committee, Election Petition Panel, Media and Publicity Committee, Decoration & Entertainment Committee, Awards Committee and Central Planning Committee.

“In exercise of his powers vested in it in sections 20.2.4, 20.5.1 and 20.5.3 of the 2023 University of Cross River State Alumni Association (as amended), the National Executive Council (NEC) convened an Emergency meeting on Sunday, November 5, 2023, for the purpose of formation of committees for the forthcoming National Convention.

“Arising from the meeting, the NEC has approved the following committees for the effective organisation and seamless preparation for the forthcoming National Convention:

A. Electoral Committee

1. Comrade Victor Agbor – Chairman

2. Comrade John Utibe – Secretary

3. Comrade Okpekor Okpa – Member

4. Comrade Ewona Nancy – Member

5. Comrade Edemikoh Ita Dan – Member

B. Election Petition Panel

1. Comrade Innocent Ogban – Chairman

2. Comrade Adama Joseph – Secretary

3. Comrade Ubon Moses Akpan – Member

4. Comrade Nseobot Udokah – Member

5. Comrade Osowoayi Odigha Maduagwu – Member

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C. Media & Publicity Committee

1. Comrade Inyali Peter, Ph.D – Chairman

2. Comrade Kingsley Agim – Co-Chairman

3. Comrade Ofem Jesam (Trinity) – Secretary

4. Comrade Kanjal Godshield – Member

5. Comrade Ugo Solomon – Member

6. Comrade Miriam Uhili – Member

7. Comrade Oyi Michael – Member

8. Comrade Clifford Ogar – Member

9. Comrade Henry Nyong – Member

D. Decoration & Entertainment Committee

1. Comrade Sunnyskippo Nchu – Chairman

2. Comrade Anwan N. Ikor – Co-Chairman

3. Comrade Lawrence Obeten – Member

4. Comrade Udeme Utip – Member

5. Comrade Emmanuel Agbor – Member

6. Comrade Imelda Asia – Member

7. Comrade Charles Ekanem – Secretary

E. Awards Committee

1. Comrade Emilia Katame – Chairperson

2. Comrade Ideba Celestine – Co-Chairman

3. Comrade Engr. Ukam Ulong – Secretary

4. Comrade Zion Uyioakan – Member

5. Comrade Simeon Ayuk Odey – Member

6. Comrade Monday Mboto – Member

7. Comrade Goodness Solomon Oton – Member

F. Central Planning Committee

1. All NEC members

2. Elder Eno Thompson

3. Comrade Charles Inah

4. Sub-Committees Chairman and Secretaries.

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Frank Ulom
Frank Ulom
Frank Ulom is an experienced Journalist, Blogger and Writer with several years of experience. His stories are based on community development and have brought positive change across board.

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