How to apply for Nigerian Consumer Credit (CrediCorp)

How to apply for Nigerian Consumer Credit (CrediCorp)

The Nigerian Consumer Credit Corporation (CREDICORP) is a Development Finance Institution (DFI) of the Federal Government of Nigeria, established with one mandate: to democratise access to consumer credit for Nigeria’s working population. We achieve our mandate via three pillars:

I. Infrastructure: strengthening Nigeria’s consumer credit infrastructure, also ensuring every economically active citizen has a comprehensive credit score. This score becomes personal equity they build, facilitating access to consumer credit.

II. Capital: providing wholesale funding and credit guarantees to Financial Institutions committed to expanding consumer credit access today.

III. Cultural Re-orientation of the public (on responsible consumer credit as a pathway to a higher quality of life) and institutions (on effective consumer credit underwriting as a path to growth).

The board of directors of the Corporation include Otunba Aderemi Abdul as Chairman, Uzoma Nwagba as Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Aisha Abdullahi as Executive Director (Credit, Risk and Portfolio Management), and Olanike Kolawole as Executive Director (Operations).

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President Bola Tinubu’s mission is to enable access to consumer credit to all eligible Nigerians, starting with the consumer credit scheme and ultimately catalysing the entire industry. The scheme will be rolled out rapidly but in phases, delivered via our several partner financial institutions. The portal to express interest in consumer credit is now open.

Unlocking Consumer Credit: A Roadmap

Consumer credit plays a vital role in driving economic growth and empowering individuals to achieve their financial goals. In Nigeria, the journey towards accelerating consumer credit access is being paved by the Nigerian Consumer Credit Corporation (CrediCorp). Let’s explore the roadmap that CrediCorp has embarked upon to unlock consumer credit in Nigeria.

Fixing Structural Barriers: One of the primary objectives of CrediCorp is to address the structural barriers that hinder consumer credit access in Nigeria. These barriers include limited credit information, difficulty assessing creditworthiness from incomes, and high costs of credit. By working closely with credit registries, CrediCorp aims to strengthen credit scoring infrastructure and provide financial institutions with reliable data to assess creditworthiness. This step is crucial in building trust and confidence in the lending ecosystem. CrediCorp also seeks to mainstream existing structures that preserve capital; for example, the Global Standing Instruction (GSI) and movable collateral registry.

Credit Guarantees: To encourage financial institutions to extend credit to consumers, CrediCorp offers credit guarantees. These guarantees act as a safety net for lenders, mitigating the risk of default. By sharing the risk, CrediCorp incentivizes financial institutions to provide credit to a wider range of consumers, including those with limited credit history or collateral.

Catalyzing the Market: CrediCorp recognizes the importance of capital and policy in catalyzing the consumer credit market. By providing wholesale and catalytic lending to financial institutions whose mission align with ours, CrediCorp injects much-needed capital into the market. This capital enables financial institutions to expand their lending portfolios and offer more favorable terms to consumers. Additionally, the CrediCorp works closely with policymakers to create an enabling environment for consumer credit, advocating for policies and legislation that promote responsible lending and consumer protection.

Partnerships and Integration: The CrediCorp understands the power of collaboration and partnerships in achieving its mission. By partnering with the CBN, NiMC, financial institutions, fintech companies, and other stakeholders, CrediCorp leverages their expertise and resources to drive innovation and expand access to consumer credit. CrediCorp’s website serves as a hub for information, awareness, and lead generation. Through social and traditional media, CrediCorp engages with the public on responsiblw, disseminates research on consumer credit, and communicates its activities.

Join the Journey: As Nigeria strives to increase consumer credit access to 50% of working Nigerians by 2030, CrediCorp invites you to join this roadmap. Whether you are a consumer seeking credit, a financial institution looking to expand your lending portfolio, or a policymaker interested in shaping the future of consumer credit, CrediCorp is here to support and guide you. Together, we can unlock the potential of consumer credit and empower individuals to enhance their lives by achieving their financial dreams.

How To Apply (Express Your Interest)

The programme is divided into two categories: (i) for individuals seeking access to consumer credit and (ii) for financial institutions seeking capital or credit guarantees to expand consumer credit.