Thursday, 27 June 2024.

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Suspected Biafran Separatists Chase Out Oil Workers, Clash With Troops in Bakassi Peninsula

By Our Reporter

A separatist group suspected to be Biafra Nations League (BnL) on Tuesday (June 6) evening chased out five oil workers away from Bakassi Peninsula.

CONVERSEER learned that the incident took place at about 7pm following a gun battle between the separatist group and the Rapid d’intervention Battalion (BIR), a Cameroonian military unit at Idabato subdivision.

Sources say the oil workers were foreigners and boarded a speed boat to explore oil in the area.

“The militants, suspected to be working with the BnL were advancing towards the oil workers before the military opened fire, no casualty was recorded”, the source said.

CONVERSEER earlier reported that the Leader of BnL, Princewill Chimezie Richard in a press interview in Cross River State has ordered Nigeria and Cameroon to stop oil exploration if Nnamdi Kanu is not released.

The group also asked Cameroon to withdraw its forces from Bakassi Peninsula and end the imposition of tax on the people of the region.

Kanu is being held by the Nigerian Government for leading the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), an offence the APC-led administration tagged “treasonable felony”.

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