Wednesday, 3 July 2024.

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C’River Gov’t assures Obudu Cargo Airport host communities of efforts to resolve compensation issues

By Daniel Bebia

Cross River State Government has assured communities within the Obudu International Passenger and Cargo Airport of conscious efforts to address the issues bothering on compensation.

The Commissioner for Aviation, Capt. Eno Utum Inah retd, gave the assurances during the House of Assembly Committee on Commerce, Industry, Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Privatisation oversight visit to the Obudu Cargo Airport, stated that the Governor is determined to complete the project as demonstrated in his visit to the site upon assumption of office.

On the issue of compensation, the Commissioner said “I do not want to say compensation for the acquisition of the land for the project was not paid. I think some people felt they were more entitled than others, while some others felt excluded. Notwithstanding, he said the Ministry of Aviation is taking inventory of those with such complaints and also working in liaison with the relevant agencies to sort things out, averring that in no distant time will a solution will be obtained.”

The Commissioner appealed to the host communities to remain patient as he strives to trash the issue once and for all, adding that the ‘People First’ Government of Senator Bassey Otu is ever ready to alleviate the suffering of the people to enhance a peaceful, friendly and conducive working environment for all and sundry.

He called on the landlord communities to take ownership of the Airport, stating that as the first beneficiaries of the project, they ought to protect it jealously.

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“As you may be aware, the bulk of people working at the construction site are indigenes of Obudu. This is to give you the confidence that upon completion of the project, more of your youths will be gainfully employed. Local content participation will be given priority with Obudu being the focus.”

The Aviation Boss was accompanied on the inspection visit by the Permanent Secretary, Engr. Timothy Ntamu, Director Civil, Engr. Egbe Enang, Director of Account, Mr Michael Bekomson, Director Procurement, Mr Jacob Odey and Director Audit, Mrs Grace Otu.

High point of the visit was the inspection of the project and the evaluation of performance by the Committee.

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