Biden’s speaking capabilities worsen since dropping out of presidential race

Biden’s speaking capabilities worsen since dropping out of presidential race

Joe Biden’s speaking capabilities appear to have gotten even worse since he dropped out of the presidential race.

Biden, who has been hidden from the public in recent weeks, gave a speech in Pittsburgh for Kamala Harris.

Audience members had a hard time understanding what Biden was saying as he slurred his way through the speech.

Parts of Biden’s speech:

“You can no longer be the manufacturing capital world. Where the hell is that written? We are the greatest manufacturing county in the world, Satan. The world, Cindy World. We’re going to remain that way.

“Eric Dean of the iron workers. Tim Driscoll, a bricklayer. April Bella, the SEIU. Lee Saunders Rashman, a great friend and Jimmy Williams of the painters allied trades. And his dad.”

This is the same person that the Democrats promised was totally fine just a couple of months ago.