Perfect Your Golf Swing This Spring With A Portable Practice Mat

Perfect Your Golf Swing This Spring With A Portable Practice Mat

Graphic: Austin Williams

Practice Mat Pro | Buy one for $10 off, buy one and get one 50% off, or buy two and get one free | Birdie Golf

As a man in his early 30s, now is right around the time I’m supposed to get super interested in stocks, WWII documentaries, and improving my golf game. Those first two aren’t going to happen, but I can feel that third thing creeping up on me like an eager beaver on a public course. I can’t be out there looking like Charles Barkley at the tee, though. Lucky for me (and you, my fellow amateur golfer), Birdie Golf has an ingenious product that’ll provide instant feedback on my swing and help me correct my mistakes in real-time – and it’s on sale! Relying on its sequin-based system, all I have to do to use the Practice Mat Pro is set it down, whack its surface (with or without a ball), and review the path of my swing by checking which way the sequins flipped. If the path veers left, that means I sliced the ball. Right would mean I hooked it. And a path that begins behind the mat’s center line is a fat shot, while a straight path starting smack dab on the center line is perfect. This simple tool is good enough for pros to practice with, so it’s certainly good enough for a beginner like me. If you can say the same, you have a few options: Buy one for $10 off, buy one and get one 50% off, or buy two and get one free. Given how versatile this thing is for both indoor and outdoor use, why not get one for your home, one for your office, and another for the road? They say practice makes perfect. Well, now is your chance to get some perfect practice in.

Source: The Inventory