Putin’s New Year Message to Russians and Russophiles

Putin’s New Year Message to Russians and Russophiles

Moscow, Russia – As the clock was about to strike Twelve in Moscow, Vladimir  Putin addressed all Russians and global Russophiles for about three minutes, then the clock struck and as a light dusting of snow drifted down the video played Russia’s national anthem while panning around Russia’s majestic Imperial capital.

Vladimir Putin:

“Dear citizens of Russia, Dear friends!

In just a few minutes, a new year, 2025, will come into its own, completing the first quarter of the XXI century.

In Russia, this period was filled with many, including historically significant, large-scale events. We set big goals for ourselves and achieved them, and we overcame challenges more than once because we were together.

This is how our unity, our faith in ourselves and in our own strength, in our own capabilities, grew stronger. Yes, we still have a lot of work to do, but we can be justly proud of what has already been done. This is our common heritage – a reliable basis for further development.

Our country–independent, free and strong–was able to respond to the most difficult challenges. And now, on the threshold of the new year, we are thinking about the future. We are sure that everything will be fine. We will only go forward. We know for sure that the absolute value for us was, is and will be the fate of Russia, the well-being of its citizens. Sincere feelings for the Motherland fill our lives with high meaning, and the desire to contribute to the protection of its sovereignty, security, interests, and free development has become a matter of honor for us.

On this New Year’s Eve, the thoughts and hopes of relatives and friends, millions of people across Russia – together with our soldiers and commanders. You are true heroes who have undertaken a great military task-to defend Russia, to provide our people with strong guarantees of peace and security. We are proud of your courage and bravery, and we believe in you.

In your honor, in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory and as a tribute to the memory of our ancestors who fought for the Motherland at all times, the upcoming 2025 has been declared the Year of Defender of the Fatherland in Russia. We are the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the generation that crushed Nazism. We are loyal to the precepts and traditions of our veterans.

Dear friends!

We always treat the New Year’s celebration warmly and cordially and hope that our dreams and thoughts, the kindest intentions will definitely come true. Until the arrival of the New Year is very short. At these moments, the closest people are close to us—our family, children, parents, grandchildren; our friends and comrades-in-arms.

I wish well-being and prosperity to each of our homes, each of our families and our beloved country-Russia. When we are together, everything will come true.

Happy New Year, dear friends! Happy New Year, 2025!”