South Africa: Over a Dozen Individuals Baptized on the Eve of Theophany

South Africa: Over a Dozen Individuals Baptized on the Eve of Theophany

Tulbagh, South Africa, January 24, 2025


More than a dozen people were united to Jesus Christ in the holy Orthodox Church in South Africa over the weekend.

South Africa: Over a Dozen Individuals Baptized on the Eve of TheophanyMass Baptisms around the world for the feast of TheophanyOrthodox churches across the world welcomed new members this past weekend as mass Baptisms were held, timed to the feast of Theophany, commemorating Christ’s Baptism in the Jordan River.

“>Earlier this week, OrthoChristian reported on mass Baptisms on the feast of Theophany in the U.S., England, and the Philippines.

And on January 18, the eve of the feast, 14 people were baptized by Fr. Nikolai Esterhuysen, reports the Russian Orthodox Church’s African Exarchate.

Fr. Nikolai, who serves as rector of the Church of St. John Climacus in Cape Town, celebrated the Sacrament in Tulbagh with Deacon Isaac Sifuba, near the Transfiguration of the Lord Chapel that is under construction.

All the newly illumined had undergone a catechism course under the guidance of Fr. Nikolai before the Sacrament of Baptism.

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