Saturday, 27 July 2024.

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Gov Otu’s Vision for Tertiary Education in C’River: A Commendable Approach

By Inyali Peter

Governor Bassey Otu’s administration has demonstrated a clear understanding of the importance of tertiary education in Cross River State. His appointments and policy decisions have shown a commitment to excellence and a passion for elevating the state’s educational institutions.

The appointment of Senator Stephen Odey as Commissioner for Education is a masterstroke. Sen. Odey’s exceptional performance as Chairman of the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) is a testament to his ability to drive positive change in the education sector. His experience as a former Lecturer and expertise having been part of the state education set-up in the past nine years will undoubtedly benefit the state’s tertiary education system.

Similarly, the choice of Prof. Anthony Owan Enoh as Head of Administration and Secretary to the State Government is equally impressive. As a renowned education administrator and former Vice Chancellor of the University of Cross River State (Unicross), Prof. Enoh brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. His leadership will help shape the state’s education policy and ensure effective implementation.

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The Governor’s personal passion for tertiary education is evident in his facilitation of the beautiful Administrative Block at Unicross during his time in the Senate. This demonstrates his long-standing commitment to investing in the state’s educational infrastructure.

The administration’s recent decisions to re-establish the Cross River State College of Agriculture, Obubra and approve the establishment of a Faculty of Medicine in Unicross are significant steps forward. These initiatives will not only enhance the quality of education but also provide more opportunities for students and teeming unemployed youths in the state.

With Sen. Odey, Prof. Enoh, and Governor Otu driving the administration’s policy on tertiary education, the future looks bright for Cross River State. Their collective expertise and passion for education will undoubtedly lead to further improvements in the state’s tertiary education system.

As a lover of education, I commend Governor Otu’s vision and commitment to excellence in education and look forward to seeing the positive impact of his administration’s efforts especially as it concerns my alma mater, the University of Cross River State.

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