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C’River NDDC Rep delivers Easter message of hope

…aligns with President Tinubu’s “Renewed Hope” Agenda

In his Easter message of hope, Rt. Hon. Orok Duke, Cross River State Representative at the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC board, echoed sentiments that resonate with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda. Duke’s focus on repositioning the economy aligns with Tinubu’s vision for a revitalised Nigeria. Duke emphasised the gradual traction the state’s economic repositioning efforts are gaining, instilling optimism among the populace.

“For the good people of Cross River,” Duke stated, “my mission ensures that the state isn’t denied the many privileges it deserves. I am poised to fight against the injustices that have bedevilled our state, ensuring equitable access to opportunities for all.”

Evidence on the ground affirms the presence of a people-oriented administration led by HE Sen. Prince Bassey Otu. Duke commended Otu’s commitment to delivering on promises, highlighting the commendable efforts directed towards the betterment of the state.

“As heads of various federal MDAs and representatives of our people,” Duke urged, “we must complement the Governor’s endeavours in bringing democratic dividends to our people, fostering inclusive development and progress.”

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Reflecting on recent challenges, Duke offered a perspective rooted in faith and resilience. “Let’s consider the few months of the Naira fall, the hike in the prices of goods and petrol as our calvary experiences,” he noted. “The changes we are beginning to see are the resurrection of the nation, which our Christian experiences and dogma will inspire us to demonstrate in the coming days.”

Duke’s message underscores the importance of perseverance and unity in overcoming socio-economic hurdles. It serves as a rallying call for citizens to embrace hope and actively participate in the collective journey toward progress.

As Cross River State prepares to navigate through uncertainties, Duke’s Easter message serves as a beacon of hope, guiding the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future for all its inhabitants. Through collaborative efforts and unwavering determination, the state stands poised to overcome challenges and emerge stronger than ever before.

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